Hello Android Studio

I have installed Android Studio, and I have made a Nexus 7 ready to be used as target device. Now I am ready to develop a first "Hello world" application.

Android Studio make it very easy.

Just select New Project from the file menu (or from the welcome dialog) and specified which properties you want to change from the default schema. I modified just three of them:
- Application name: Hello Android
- Module name: HelloAndroid
- Package name: dd.HelloAndroid
Then was just a matter of compiling and, after ensuring the target device was connected and available to my developer unit, ran it.

After confirming on Nexus that I wanted to debug that app, I saw it appearing. It doesn't say much. It just have the "Hello Android" name on the title bar and, wait a moment, an "Hello world!" message below it? Where does it come from?

We should remember that among the properties we were asked to confirm to create a new project, there was also something about the layout to be used by the application. Let's check it.

I opened the Project View, I clicked on my HelloAndroid project, src, main, res, layout, and I finally see it, activity_main.xml.

In it I see that the TextView property is filled with an @string/hello_world. So I opened the res, values, strings.xml, and I saw that a hello_world string resource was set for me to the value "Hello world!"

I don't want any message on my app, so I cut that line, went back to activity_main.xml, and remove from the "text" property the reference to that string. Re-launching HelloAndroid I can now enjoy its beautiful emptiness.

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Setting up Nexus 7

I have downloaded and set Android Studio up, now I have to decide against which target I want to run the applications that I develop. Actually, we are not forced to use a real device, we could also using an emulation. Still, having at hand a Nexus seven, it looks kind of a good idea to use it.

To be allowed to use Nexus 7 as a developer tool, you need to activate the developer options.

In the settings page, look in the system section, and click on the "about tablet" item.
Tap seven times (I'm not kidding) on "build number" and ... now you are a developer!

That means that when you go back to settings page, you can see in the system section he Developer options. Click on that item, you enter the Developer options page, where you find, in the Debugging section, the USB debugging option, that you should activate.

Now, if you run the command
adb devices
You should see that "something" is available.

Back to Android Studio, once you are in a project, you can open the Run menu, where you'll see the Edit Configuration... item, clicking on which, you will also be able to determine the target device. You can choose an Emulation (you have to specify which device you want to emulate) or you can specify that you want to use an USB device.

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Setting up Android Studio

Android Studio is the Google IDE for Android based on Intellij IDEA announced at 2013 Google I/O. Currently is available in an early access preview that, even if not completely stable, is worth a try.

Here I report what I have done to install it on a Linux Debian-based (actually Ubuntu) box, then I'll write about how I developed a first "Hello world" application.


On android.com, I went to the Android Studio page. There I found links to specific Android Studio bundles for three different platforms, Windows, Mac OS X, Linux. I clicked on the Linux one, and I patiently waited the 400 Meg package to be downloaded on my machine. At the time I have written this post, the current version was 0.2.2.


The bundle was actually a compressed tarball, named "android-studio-bundle-130.737825-linux.tgz". I moved it to someplace looked right to me, and expanded it by a call to tar xvfz. Anything was put in the folder android-studio. Under its bin directory there is a shell script, studio.sh, that we need to call to run the IDE.

Theoretically speaking, that's it.

Still, I have experience a couple of issues. The minor one was solved installing Gradle "by hand", getting it from the official gradle.org download page. The other came from adb, the Android Debug Bridge, that had a couple of dependencies not resolved at runtime. It logged that the problem was about curses, but when I ran ldd on it, I saw that where reported as not found both libncurses.so.5 and libstdc++.so.6. In my case this was due to the fact that I am on a 64 bit system, while adb is a 32 bit application. This was the solution:
sudo apt-get install lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6

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