A simple IoC + DI Spring example

In the previous posts I have written a puny Spring Boot application example sporting a trivial RESTful controller Let's spice it up a bit, extracting the business logic from the controller and putting it in a hierarchy of classes. The interesting part of it is that I am going to do it using IoC (Inversion of Control) and DI (Dependency Injection).

I created a sub-package named control, and in it I put an interface, Greeter, that exposes the only method I really care of:
public interface Greeter {
    String greeting();
Then I refactored my GreetingController to use that interface to do the dirty job. Something like this:
public class GreetingController {
    private Greeter greeter;

    public String greeting() {
        return greeter.greeting();
The reason for doing this should be clear. My controller won't care about the details of how a greeting is generated. It just knows that exists a hierarchy of classes rooted in the Greeter interface, and it would call its greeting() method when it intercepts a user call for this job.

Then I created a couple of concrete classes implementing Greeter. A mock one, thought to be used just in development, and the actual stuff designed to be used in production.
public class MockGreeter implements Greeter {
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MockGreeter.class);

    public String greeting() {
        log.debug("Generating mock greeting");
        return "mock hello!";

public class PlainGreeter implements Greeter {
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PlainGreeter.class);

    public String greeting() {
        log.trace("Generating plain greeting");
        return "Hello!";
I know, it is not easy to spot a difference between them. Let's assume they will grow and diverge to something more useful in the future.

The interesting stuff here is defining how the controller should know which Greeter to use. In the old pre-IoC days it would be its job to create a dependency with the selected Greeter, creating an object of a concrete type. Nowadays we prefer to do the other way round, we invert the control, and let the concrete Greeter signal its availability to be used by the controller to the framework (in this case Spring). We can do that in a few different ways, being annotation usually considered the preferred one.

The controller should tell to Spring in some way that a field it owns should be injected with a dependency (here is where DI enters in the game). There are a few ways to do it. I usually prefer to annotate the data member, like this:
public class GreetingController {
    private Greeter greeter;

    // ...
On the other side, each Greeter implementation that could be selected from Spring for the controller should show it up:
public class MockGreeter implements Greeter {
    // ...
We still have a problem. We have two different implementations of Greeter competing to be injected to the controller. Which one should Spring choose?

One way of solving it is by configuration. We specify the spring.profiles.active property in the Spring application.properties file giving to it a value that would act as a selector for the appropriate Greeter. In my case, I want to play with two different configurations, dev and prod. When in development (dev) I want the mock greeter to be injected in the controller, while in production (prod) the plain greeter should be used.

In case of production my Spring configuration file would have this line in it:
My Greeter classes would be annotated in this way:
public class PlainGreeter implements Greeter {
// ...

public class MockGreeter implements Greeter {
// ...

The complete Spring Boot project is on github. The relevant files are

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Spring log only to file

Logging is one of the most fuzzy area in Java. The standard JUL, java.util.logging, entered the arena late, and it has to compete against well respected libraries like Log4J2, SLF4J and Logback (usually SLF4J with Logback). The Spring guys decided to go for JCL, the Apache Commons Logging, that wraps SLF4J for the actual logging library of your choice, here being Logback.

If you don't have any special requirement, you can happily ignore which actual logger is used, just write your code for the JCL interface, leaving out of your scope any low level dependency.

However, if you want your log going to a file, and not to console, as often is the case, you have to deal with the actual logger. Not a big deal, if Logback is your choice.

Let's modify the function greeting in my GreetingController to log some (un)useful comments:
public String greeting() {
 log.trace("trace hello");
 log.debug("debug hello");
 log.info("info hello");
 log.warn("warn hello");
 log.error("error hello");
 log.fatal("fatal hello");
 return "Hello!";
Where log is private static final object of type org.apache.commons.logging.Log initialized through the JCL LogFactory.

This could be enough. Still you should have a mildly surprising output, something like:
2016-05-30 22:14:00.888  INFO (...)  : info hello
2016-05-30 22:14:00.888  WARN (...)  : warn hello
2016-05-30 22:14:00.888 ERROR (...)  : error hello
2016-05-30 22:14:00.888 ERROR (...)  : fatal hello
I edited out details in the middle of the lines, I want to focus on the fact that we miss trace and debug messages, and the fatal one became an error one. If you really want fatal log messages, logback is not your choice, since it does not have this log level, and so they are mapped as simple errors.

The first problem could be easily solved adding an entry in the Spring application.properties file (in source/main/resources). Say that I want to log all messages, from trace up to fatal, generated in my packages rooted in dd.manny. I'll add this line:
Good. Now I want Spring to log to a file. By default the file will have name spring.log, and I can decided in which folder to be placed like this:
Nice and easy. Just one thing. I wanted the log to go exclusively to file. To get this effect I have to configure the actual logger.

For this reason I added a logback configuration file in the src/main/resources folder that is mimic of the default Spring one, but it has no appender for console. The key point is that I keep the log level to INFO and I specify FILE as appender, that is going to be set through the property specified above.

The full Spring Boot project is on github. The relevant files are GreetingController.java, application.properties, and logback.xml.

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A simple RESTful Web Service

In the previous post, I have created a very simple WebApp using Spring Boot. Even if it works fine, it isn't much of a fun, giving no feedback whasoever to the user. Let's add a first basic web service to it.

In the Spring jargon, we want a REST Controller, so I create a new subpackage named controller below the one containing the application class, and in there I put a class, GreetingController, that is going to perform the mapping between the URI and the service, and return the expected resource.

The beauty of the Spring implementation is that I create a plain class, called a Bean, not to be confused with Java Bean nor Enterprise Java Bean, and I just annotate the class as @RestController and the method as @RequestMapping:
public class GreetingController {
    public String greeting() {
        return "Hello!";
That's it. Springs takes care of all the boring details, and lets Tomcat answer generating a document that contains only "Hello" to a request address to the greeting address.

To test if this is working as expected, we can now start the project from the Boot Dashboard, and then accessing the resource from the internal browser, or from an external one. In any case the result should be something like this:
If you wonder why and how I'm using a non-standard Tomcat port, please refer to the previous post.

Sure you can run the application outside STS. Calling maven on the package target would let it generate a jar named something like hello-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar in the target folder, than you can run it with the java -jar command.

Source code is on github. The only relevant change from the previous version is the GreetingController.

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Hello Spring Boot

Creating a web app with the Spring Framework using Boot is quite easy, assuming you have already installed Spring Tool Suite, the Pivotal IDE based on Eclipse.

Actually, it is just a matter of selecting on the menu File, the item New, and there Spring Starter Project. There you are presented with a bunch of names to give and selection to make, I'd suggest you to check start.spring.io for inspiration, since this STS wizard it is nothing more than a proxy to that web page, that would guide you to the creation of a Spring application.

I named my project helloSpring, and then I kept all the main default settings, like the Maven support, jar generation, Java 1.8 language usage, and I only added one single item in Dependencies: Web.

What it is going to happen is that my Spring project would generate a single huge jar embedding Tomcat and all the required dependencies to let the application work. After confirming, Maven could take some time to get all the required jars. However in the end I'll have a nice project ready to be compiled. Even if it is not to do anything sensible at all.

I'd suggest you to have a look at the generated pom.xml file. You won't be surprise to find out that it shows the information you entered in the wizard.

Then, accessing the Project Explorer, you'll see in the Spring Elements a bean HelloSpringApplication (the prefix is the project name, if you chose a different name for it, you'll see the change reflected here).

Let's have a better look a this bean. I asked to the wizard to put the generated classes in the dd.manny.hello package, so there I'm going to find it.

There is not much to see, apart from that the class has been decorated with the @SpringBootApplication annotation, it contains a main() method that calls SpringApplication.run() passing the class itself. Even without knowing anything about Spring Boot, looks intuitive what is going on here. On startup Spring would see that this is the booting class, and would use its main to call the SpringApplication run() method.

Now I'd like to run this application, even I can't expect to get much feedback from it. The easiest way to do it, it is from the Spring Boot Dashboard. You should see that view in the bottom left of your STS window. If for any reason it is missing, you can get it back from Window - Show View - Spring - Boot Dashboard.

In the Boot Dashboard you should see a collapsed list named local. Open it and you should find your project. My one is there, named helloSpring. Now I can use the menu on the Boot Dashboard view, or right-click menu if I am in the mood for it, to start or restart it.

What I usually I get it now is a fat exception. This is because I have something else running on the 8080 port on my machine and STS is trying to run the embedded Tomcat for my application right on that port. If you get
java.net.BindException: Address already in use
You are having the same problem.

Not a big issue, tough. There is a file in the source/main/resources/ folder named application.properties that, not surprisingly, let us to set properties used by our application. Initially it is empty, I added this line:
server.port = 8585
Meaning that I want my Tomcat to use a different port from the standard one.

Now I can restart my application, and get a smooth startup, as showed by the error-free log in the Console view.

The full code for the project is on github.

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JSP servlet init parameters

Creating init parameters for a servlet is easy, when we need to do that for a JSP page it is only a bit more trickier, and we should remember a couple of details.

We can't use annotations, since the translation from JSP to servlet is not in our control. So we have to fall back to the Deployment Descriptor (DD). So, let's go in our web app WEB-INF directory and modify (maybe create) the web.xml file.

In the web-app element we need to create two elements, a servlet and a servlet-mapping, and in the servlet one we could create any init-param we need, just like we can do for a plain servlet.

Here is an example for a servlet element, based on a JSP page named counting.jsp placed in the web app root directory:
Notice the jsp-file element, that replaces what in a plain servlet is a servlet-class.

Then we need a servlet-mapping element, that should look something like this one:

And that's it. Now we can access that init parameter from our Counting JSP page.

For instance, we could be interested in accessing it when the JSP is initialized. In this case, we would override the jspInit() method and get it through getServletConfig(). Like this:
public void jspInit() {
    log("Config init param: " + getServletConfig().getInitParameter("base"));
If we want to access it from a scriplet, we use the config implicit object:
<%= config.getInitParameter("base") %>

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