Hello ActiveMQ

Writing an hello application with ZeroMQ is very easy, RabbitMQ requires a bigger effort, and ActiveMQ is not complicated, but probably the less immediate in the company. This escalation in complication is reflected also in the system's responsiveness (ZeroMQ is blazing fast and, compared to it, ActiveMQ could seem slow) but is well repaid by a higher level of offered services.

It is impossible to say in abstract which Message Queue structure is "better". It is more a matter of selecting the adequate one for specific environment requirements. A reason to decide for ActiveMQ is often that it implements the JMS specification.

In any case, say that we have already decided, and we have installed ActiveMQ on on our machine. Now it is time to write an hello application.

ActiveMQ is bundle with SLF4J as logger. I have talked of the trickiness in their relation in a previous post, so let's assume this is not an issue anymore. If you don't even know what SLF4J is, you could have a look at another post where I have written some notes on its installation.


The following code is all you need to establish a connection to the ActiveMQ broker and put a text message on a queue:
ConnectionFactory factory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(); // 1
Connection connection = null;
try {
    connection = factory.createConnection(); // 2
    Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); // 3
    Destination destination = session.createQueue(QUEUE_NAME); // 4
    MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(destination); // 5
    TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage(arg); // 6
    producer.send(message); // 7
    logger.info("Sending: {}", message.getText()); // 8
} catch(JMSException ex) {
} finally { try { if(connection != null) connection.close(); } catch (JMSException e) {} } // 9
1. Since no address is specified, ActiveMQ assumes we want to connect to default broker, on localhost:61616.
2. A new connection to the browser is created and, in the next line, started.
3. On a connection we create a session, that could be transactional. Here we don't need it, so we pass "false" as first parameter. The second parameter specify if we want to acknowledge explicitly the message consume or not. Here we let ActiveMQ to take care of this.
4. Where the message is going to be sent. If the queue specified does not exist, ActiveMQ creates it for us.
5. The producer is an object created by the session for a specified destination that takes care of the message move from this client to the broker.
6. A text message is created from a String (in this case "arg" is the variable containing it).
7. The producer sends the message.
8. Remember that we are using SLF4J as a logger, if you wander about the strange syntax in the string, you may be interested in the post I have written on the efficiency reason for it.
9. Whatever happens in the try block, we want the connection to be closed.


Consuming a message on ActiveMQ is not much different than producing it:
MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(destination); // 1
Message message = consumer.receive(1000); // 2
if(message == null)
    logger.info("No pending message on {} queue.", QUEUE_NAME);
else if(message instanceof TextMessage) // 3
    logger.info("Received: {}", ((TextMessage)message).getText());
else // 4
    logger.info("Unexpected non-text message consumed.");
1. First difference, we create a consumer on the session.
2. A message is consumed. The passed parameter is a timeout. If no message is waiting for us on the queue, and nothing arrives in a second, the consumer returns a null.
3. In the producer we created a text message, so we expect it to be of the same type here. If this is what we have, we work with it.
4. If we get here we are perplexed: who put a non-textual message on our queue?

You you want to play with the complete source Java code, you can find it on github.

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