Plain MVC Spring project

Nowadays, if you create a new Spring project on STS, the most natural option is using the Spring Starter Project wizard that is going to push you to use Spring Boost. Say that for some reason you don't want to do that, you could fallback to the pre-boot era, here is how, in a few steps.

Basically, you just have to call the Spring Legacy Project, from menu File - New. There you just have to choose a project name and select which template you want to use. Usually Spring MVC Project is a good choice.

Next step would be specify the top level package for you application. And then the wizard would do all the job for you.

Just one thing more, when you get back the control, you'd better update the project through Maven, by right click on the project - Maven - Update Project. After that you should be ready to run the project on server.

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