Basic Coherence functionality

Once you have setup Oracle Coherence in your development environment, and you have tested a simple Hello World application, you are ready to write something moderately more interesting.

In the following example I am using just a pair of Coherence classes. They still have in their package name a "Tangosol" reference, from the company that now, like many other ones, is part of Oracle:

public class SimpleCache {
    protected NamedCache cache;
    protected static final String CACHE_NAME = "MyCache";

    public SimpleCache() { // 1
        cache = CacheFactory.getCache(CACHE_NAME);

    public void dtor() { // 2

    public void checkRemove(String key) {  // 3
        System.out.println("+++ removing " + key);
        if(cache.containsKey(key)) {
        else {
            System.out.println("+++ " + key + " is not in cache");

    public void checkPut(String key, String value) { // 4
        System.out.println("+++ putting " + key);
        if(cache.containsKey(key)) {
            System.out.println("+++ " + key + " already in cache");
        cache.put(key, value);

    public void getCheck(String key, String expValue) { // 5
        System.out.println("+++ getting " + key);
        String output = (String)cache.get(key);
        if(output == null)
            System.out.println("+++ " + key + " is not in the cache");
        else if(output.compareTo(expValue) != 0)
            System.out.println("+++ Unexpected: " + expValue + " != " + output);

    public void full(String key, String value) { // 6
        checkPut(key, value);
        getCheck(key, value);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SimpleCache cohCli = new SimpleCache();

        if(args.length == 0)
            cohCli.full("key", "value"); // 7
        else {
            if(args[0].matches(".*[Pp].*")) // 8
                cohCli.checkPut("key", "value");
                cohCli.getCheck("key", "value");
1. In the class constructor we get the cache from the factory.
2. From the name of this method you could correctly guess I am more a C++ that a Java guy. If you wonder, dtor is a common short name for destructor, there is not such a beast in Java, but the name should be thought as an hint to the user programmer - call it when you are done with an instance of this class.
3. Before removing an element in the cache, ensure it actually is in it.
4. If an element with the specified key is already in the cache, issue a warning before storing the new value.
5. Get an element, and check that its value matches the expectation.
6. Utility method, combines (3), (4), and (5) in an unique call.
7. If no parameter is passed to the Java application, a full test is performed, putting, getting, and finally removing a key-value in the cache.
8. The passed parameter is expected to be a string stating what we want to do. A "pgr" is a synonim for a full test; if I want just put I should specify just "p" (or "P") and so on.

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